How to Start a Addiction Treatment Center in Arizona the Easy Way

Arizona is a gorgeous state with great weather - and a state that has a big opioid problem, making it a great candidate for your next addiction treatment center location.

Opening an Addiction Treatment Center in Texas? Here's What You Need to Know

Read on for Behave Health’s step-by-step information about how to open an addiction treatment or drug rehab center in the Lone Star State.

Everything You Need to Know to Open an Addiction Treatment or Drug Rehab Center in California

So, you want to open an addiction treatment center (also known as a drug rehab) in the Golden State of California? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve sifted through the official documents to bring you the Cliff Notes version of how to get the job done.

Can Your Addiction Treatment Center's EHR Handle Value Based Care?

Many health care experts are calling values based care the wave of the future. Smart players in the addiction treatment community are getting ready to embrace the change before it’s too late.

Stop Keeping Bed Availability at Your Addiction Treatment Center a Secret - Set up Automatic Updates Today

How do potential patients and their loved ones discover that your addiction treatment center has free beds?

Get Behave Health for Addiction Treatment Centers FREE. (Yes, Free!) 

Now you can explore Behave Health’s ridiculously useful features from the comfort of your own phone or computer with absolutely zero hassle or pressure.

VOB Delays = Addiction Treatment Admissions Killer. Turbocharge Your Insurance Verifications with eVOBs

Learn about instant VOBs — also known as eVOBs — and how they could be a game changer for your addiction treatment center.

It's Here! Behave Health App Connects Addiction Treatment Community's Favorite Software Solution to iPhone and Android

We are very pleased to announce that the Behave Health App is now officially available - for free - at both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store!

The staff- and client-facing versions are both ready for you to download and explore.

Whether you access the app with an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, you’ll enjoy the same easy-to-use, HIPAA-compliant, all-in-one software solution that’s simplifying operations and improving the bottom line of addiction treatment centers, recovery homes and behavioral health organizations across the country.

When Will Staff and Patients at Your Addiction Treatment Center Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? Here's What We Know.

Addiction treatment centers suffer greatly under the COVID-19 pandemic at a time when the United States needs more addiction treatment than ever before. When will staff and residents be able to access their first (and second) doses of the COVID-19 vaccine?