
Building Your Addiction Treatment Outpatient Program? Behave Community Helps Where Psychology Today Can’t

Here’s why Behave Community fills the gap for behavioral health professionals who want more out of their networking, referral partnerships, and marketing efforts.

Here's What Your Addiction Treatment Facility Needs to Know About ERKA in 2021

The act targets patient brokering and other practices designed to defraud insurance companies.

Stop Keeping Bed Availability at Your Addiction Treatment Center a Secret - Set up Automatic Updates Today

How do potential patients and their loved ones discover that your addiction treatment center has free beds?

BehaveHealth Bridge: Introducing our Latest Smart Software for Treatment Center Admissions

We hear it from our clients all the time: treating patients for SUD is easy, but getting patients into treatment is hard.

For many of the providers we work with, filling beds and keeping them filled seems to be taking more and more staff time, slowly cutting into their businesses’ bottom line. That’s why we created BehaveHealth Bridge—a platform to help you connect with new clients.