
Recovery Capital Origins: Granfield, Cloud, and the Birth of a Concept

The concept of recovery capital (RC) has reshaped modern addiction treatment by shifting focus from pathology to resilience. RC’s development is rooted in decades of collaborative work by researchers, clinicians, and advocates worldwide. This blog post explores the pioneers, tools, and frameworks that built the RC paradigm—and how they continue to inform strengths-based care today.

Mastering ASAM Criteria for Addiction Treatment | Behave

Whether you refer to it as the “Six Dimensions,” The ASAM Criteria or simply a “biopsychosocial,” the ASAM Criteria has come to dominate the landscape of multidimensional assessment in the addiction treatment community.

Here's the Coronavirus Inspired Recovery Lessons Your Addiction Treatment Program Should be Teaching Now - Part 2

In last month’s “coronavirus lessons for recovery” post, we discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic presents many opportunities for practicing acceptance in recovery. So much of our world is different, unknown, painful, and scary right now as a result of this virus—for everyone, but especially for your addiction treatment patients.