Understanding CareSource Management Group's Shareable Client Information Policies for Addiction Treatment 

Today, we’ll look specifically at how CareSource Management Group treats PHI, what their shareable client information policies are and how they affect addiction treatment providers.

4 Ways Smart Software Protects Your Behavioral Health Organization from HIPAA Violations

The US government recently reported that millions of health records are breached every year. For behavioral health organizations, each breach translates into massive fines for violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws.

HIPAA fines, which range from $100 to $50,000 per record, can easily bankrupt an organization.

Your Top 3 Questions About HIPAA Violations and Cloud-Based Behavioral Health Management Systems

Cloud computing has been around for nearly 20 years or longer, depending on your definition.

But to many, “saving it to the cloud” is still a novel concept.