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Join Behave Health at the NAATP Conference in Denver, May 19-21

Behave Health is excited to announce that we will be at the 45th annual National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) Conference in Denver, Colorado this May, from the 19th through the 21st. 

The conference will be held at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel. This year’s theme is “Innovative Leadership.”

As for Behave Health, you can find us all weekend at booth #307. You can find us on the exhibitor’s list here

Please stop by and say hello! 

Bring Your Most Irritating Behavioral Health Technology Problems to Our NAATP Conference Booth! 

What’s a conference without the behavioral health technology horror stories? 

This year, we’re asking attendees to bring us your most horrifying technology challenges, vexations, and concerns. 

We would love to meet you and learn more about the technology challenges facing your behavioral health organization, from pesky bugs and irritating inefficiencies to - heaven forbid - total system failures. The more harrowing, the better. We’ve heard and seen it all. 

If we can help, we’ll let you know. And if we can’t, we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction to get your issue addressed.  

A Sneak Peek at the 2024 Calendar of Events for NAATP Conference in Denver, Colorado - 4 Workshops for Your Consideration

By the way, we could not be more enthusiastic about the lineup for the NAATP conference this year.  

A peek at this years’ calendar of events, and we think you’ll get excited about what’s in store for you in Denver, too. 

Not only are there banquets, golf tournaments, and a Women in Leadership Breakfast, but there are a wide variety of workshop sessions with some great topics that we think a lot of our addiction treatment business professionals will enjoy. 

Some of the most noteworthy workshop sessions include: 

Workshop #1: Preparing Your Organization For Success With Value-Based Care

In this workshop, speakers will cover the basics of VBC and how it works in the context of substance use disorder treatment. The workshop will cover how to negotiate VBC contracts with payers as well as how to implement those contracts once they’ve been signed. The workshop will also talk about prepping for VBC and getting your organization ready for this inevitable sea change.

Workshop #2: Understanding Provider Finances: A Business School Workshop

This workshop is for professionals who want to move up into top level leadership positions, but who lack the financial background to feel confident making their next move. The target audience for this workshop has a lot of overlap with the people we work with day in and day out at Behave Health, so it’s likely that many readers will find benefit here. 

Workshop #3: Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality: The Future of Technology in Treatment Services

In this fascinating workshop, the speakers will cover the latest developments in AI and virtual treatment for addiction treatment and behavioral health. The speakers will cover the potential applications of AI, VR and other cutting edge technologies and therapeutics, as well as possible draw-backs of such technology. This workshop sounds like it will be highly informative and fascinating for those looking at what’s next in the behavioral health industry. 

Workshop #4: The Essential Role of Data in Addiction Treatment: Findings from the NAATP Foundation for Recovery Science and Education (FoRSE)

This workshop will cover the most important findings from the most recent FoRSE treatment outcomes dataset. Speakers will cover the best strategies for leveraging data to quantify the value of treatment to stakeholders who may not be conversant in the particulars of addiction treatment and how it works. This sounds like a useful workshop for those working with outcomes data and other key behavioral health metrics, but who are unsure how to use or communicate that data to important players in the community. 

Other Posts on Past Addiction Treatment Conferences That Behave Health Has Participated In

Join Behave Health at the 2023 California Addiction Conference October 25th - 29th

Join Behave Health at the the 2023 NARR Conference in Dearborn Michigan Oct 9th - 11th

Join Sober Living App at the 2023 NARR Conference in Dearborn Michigan Oct 9th - 11th

Here's All the 2020 Addiction Treatment Industry Events That Have Been Cancelled So Far

Want to Simplify Your Billing? Try Behave Health 

Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.

Our all-in-one app puts clinical, administration, staff, admissions, alumni, residents, treatment plans, billing, insurance authorizations and more - all at your fingertips.

Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.

PS. Just getting started with behavioral health? Need help with certification, too? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!