Iowa has long been known for heavy drinking and high rates of alcoholism, but in recent years, Iowans have also developed a problem with opioids. As in many states in the nation, the proliferation of fentanyl in Iowa has led to a steep increase in the rate of overdose deaths there. In 2020, Iowa saw 186 opioid-related deaths, up from 157 in 2019 and 137 in 2018.
Access to treatment for all types of SUD remains a problem in Iowa, with treatment centers concentrated in densely populated areas, while all of the four corners of the state - each of them rural areas - have few addiction treatment professionals or organizations dedicated to treating SUD patients. Young people are also underserved in Iowa, especially in rural areas, where over 7,000 children don’t receive the addiction treatment that they need.
MAT treatment in Iowa follows the same pattern, with densely populated counties able to secure better access to treatment than rural areas. A recent $4.7 million settlement with pharmaceutical companies responsible for the over-prescription of opioid medication is slated to be used to train up MAT-prescribing medical professionals in Iowa. These 5 year grants should ease staffing shortages for addiction treatment facilities with a MAT component.
Now that we’ve covered a little of the landscape of the addiction treatment community in Iowa, let’s dive into what it takes to get an addiction treatment center licensed in the Hawkeye State.
In Iowa, the Department of Public Health Requires All Addiction Treatment Programs to Get License
Chapter 125 of the Iowa State Code states that all behavioral health providers must get licensed with the state.
155.2(125,135) Licensing. In accordance with Iowa Code section 125.13, a person shall not maintain or conduct a substance use disorder program without having first obtained a license for the program from the department, and in accordance with Iowa Code section 135.150.
The State Code is careful to include any addiction treatment centers, regardless of their physical location, providing any electronically-based treatment in Iowa to get licensed, as well.
The Iowa Department of Public Health Oversees the Licensing of All Addiction Treatment Programs in Iowa
The Iowa Department of Public Health administers the licensing of all addiction treatment centers, conducts site inspections and investigates any complaints brought against addiction treatment programs in the state.
The Application to Get Your Addiction Treatment Center License in Iowa is Easily Accessed Online
Although you may only email or - yes - hand deliver your finished application for licensing, addiction treatment center licensing applications for Iowa are easily available online. The 12 page application contains detailed instructions for completing both the form and the rest of the licensing process. The application has ten sections:
Applicant information
Licensed program services
Governing Body
Policies and procedures
Fiscal management and insurance information
The Additional Required Attachments for Addiction Treatment Center License Applications in Iowa are Fairly Standard
Before your application is considered complete, you must submit a variety of documents and attachments to the Department of Public Health. These attachments include:
Zoning compliance for the physical facility
State fire marshal inspection
Fire inspections (for residential facilities only)
Governing body annual reports
Certificate of occupancy (if required by your location’s city, county or town)
Although it may seem like a lot of documentation, compared with the requirements of other states, these attachments are actually pretty minimal.
The Duration of Your Addiction Treatment Center’s State License in Iowa is Determined by Your Score on the “Licensure Weighting Report”
Unlike other states, Iowa has a rating system to score your addiction treatment center’s level of compliance with state rules and regulations. You’ll receive a score as part of your physical site inspection upon completion of your licensing application. The Department of Public Health will grant an initial license for 1, 2, or 3 years depending on how you score.
For programs that are already accredited through a recognized body like CARF, Iowa will review proof of that accreditation and issue a “deemed-status license.” In Iowa, a “deemed-status license” lasts as long as your accreditation is active, but for a period not to exceed three years.
New Iowa Addiction Treatment Centers Can Get Started on the Right Foot with Behave Health
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!