Accreditation is an important piece of the behavioral health industry puzzle. Treatment Centers should seek accreditation as soon as they can for many reasons. While most insurance payers don’t require Treatment Centers to be accredited, some payers have already made the shift to requiring accreditation before they will pay for the service rendered. Treatment Centers can choose accreditation at the state level through CARF. They can also opt to become accredited through JCAHO, which is accreditation at the national level.
While the process of becoming accredited can be a lengthy and tedious process, it is worth it in the end. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Being accredited shows competency and a commitment to exemplary care.
In this industry, it is important to show potential patients and their families that you are committed to providing care that meets or exceeds their expectations. The accreditation process is one way to do so as there are certain requirements a facility must meet to acquire the certificate. These specific requirements and standards demonstrate competency and efficiency, which allow potential customers to feel as though a provider strives to provide the best care.
2. Accreditation can bring referrals.
In today’s world, consumers have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Care for a loved one is typically something that is well researched. Many payers will refer policyholders to providers that are listed on the accreditation lists. Accreditation websites may even be something that they come to by chance. Either way, consumers will feel a sense of comfort knowing that a provider has adapted the standards set forth by those agencies. Being listed in a state or national database is an additional way to advertise services without adding cost to marketing budgets.
3. Providers receive assistance and guidance.
Opening and maintaining a treatment center can be confusing and difficult, at times. Organizations who provide accreditation also offer advice and solutions to providers which guide them through the process of putting policies and procedures in place to protect patients, staff and the organization as a whole.
Once the application is received, the accrediting organizations provide recommendations and suggestions of how to improve upon and maintain standards of care. After the initial inspection, there will be additional reviews over time to assist in the maintenance of policies and suggest ways to improve.
4. Quality professionals will seek employment with quality providers.
Potential employees seek out employers who are dedicated not only to patient care, but to their employees. Providers who are accredited typically demonstrate the standards and goals that professionals are looking for in an employer. It is important to stand out in the job market if there is ever a need to fill a position quickly. A high standard of ethics and values in an organization will attract professionals of the same stature, which would benefit the company in the long run.