bed management

Behave Community is Live! Explore Security-Conscious B2B Networking for Behavioral Health Organizations

Is your behavioral health organization looking for ways to network with other organizations in the behavioral health space? There’s an app for that.

Understanding the EMR Needs of Christian Recovery and Rehab Centers

 It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a software solution that is a good fit for faith-based addiction treatment.

Looking for a New EMR for Your Medically Managed Detox Facility?

Regardless of whether you’re researching EMR options for ambulatory detoxification, clinically managed residential detoxification, medically monitored inpatient detoxification or medically managed intensive inpatient detoxification, your choice of software has outsized implications for the success of your facility. 

Stop Keeping Bed Availability at Your Addiction Treatment Center a Secret - Set up Automatic Updates Today

How do potential patients and their loved ones discover that your addiction treatment center has free beds?